Today's soundtrack;
- Guns N' Roses - Patience
I'll be visiting Småland over the weekend, so I will probably not be writing in you until next week. It's not that I'm busy, just that my inspiration is even worse there... Today has been nice, spent the day in town together with my baby, her friend Gabriella and Sebastian, who now is her boyfriend. Things change fast, but I think it's for the better. They look real cute together. Anyway, I really enjoyed being around friends again, and it was long ago I felt comfortable doing that. Since the sun was shining and the temperature was nice, there was a lot of people in town, and it made me feel a bit freaked out, but as soon as I got in the company of Louis and the others it disappeared almost entirely. It feels like I need to to things like this more often, just get out and be around people or friends, and maybe I'll get used to it. The sun was a real pain in the ass today, still haven't gotten those test results back, and I fear the worst. There are no records of the disease in my family, but some doctors think it may appear through some mutation of the DNA or something like that. But deep inside, I know it's not some kind of disease or illness. It's a fucking curse.
My head is killing me right now, so I'm off to bed. Maybe I leave a little note tomorrow before I leave. Night.
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